Start Recruiting Top Talent Today
Since 2002, the nation’s most recognized businesses and brands have trusted Noor Staffing to meet their hiring needs. We have consistently recruited top-tier talent and filled thousands of positions with an emphasis on quality over quantity. Our candidate search strategy is informed by more than a job description. We immerse ourselves in your culture and business style to align our thinking with yours.
Top Recruiting Services = Value Across Verticals
With more than 200 experienced recruiters and support staff, a robust candidate database and time-tested recruitment methods, NSG has the resources to manage large-scale staffing programs, including permanent, temporary and project-based positions.
We have 11 offices across the United States and employees working in 40 different states. With more than 20 years of staffing experience, our company offers a broad service reach in finance, professional services, office support and healthcare.
Working with NSG Recruiting Services
Our success is rooted in the strength of our team, the quality of our service and a commitment to success.
We offer
- Quick & Easy Employer On-Boarding
- Competitive & Cost-Effective Rates
- Dynamic Team of Recruiters and Support Staff
- Robust Candidate Database
- Emphasis on Quality over Quantity
Hospitality Staffing Services
Our hospitality team specializes in the recruitment and placement of hospitality staff, including food service professionals, culinary talent and maintenance staff within corporate dining facilities, sports stadiums, concert venues, conference centers, schools, universities and more.
Office & Professional Staffing Services
Our professional headhunters specialize in the recruitment and placement of office and professional staff across a variety of industries and functions, including finance & accounting, technology, marketing, graphic design, PR, web development, management, customer service, human resources, legal services, compliance, data entry, IT, operations and more.
Start Recruiting Top Talent Today
Complete the form to connect with our recruiting team, or call (212) 683-0045.
Looking for a job? Submit your information here.